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Managing MxBus Modules

Open the Manage MxBus Modules dialog to view information on the MxBus modules that are attached to the camera.

MxBus Interface

This section allows activating/deactivating the MxBus interface.
The section also lists the current status of the attached MxBus modules and allows opening the status log.

Service Functions

This section allows resetting all attached MxBus modules to their factory defaults.
In addition, you can backup the configuration of each MxBus module or restore the configuration from a backup you created earlier.
On cameras with door station functionality, you can also start the initial operation of the door station modules (e.g. Keypad and DoorMaster).


This section contains information on the attached MxBus modules.

The Status Details column shows information on the current communication status.
The following values are possible:
Active The module is properly attached to the system and communication is encrypted.
Available The module is available, but communication is not yet encrypted.
Not available Communication with this module has been disrupted.
Click on Remove to permanently remove the corresponding module from the configuration.
Invalid Encryption Communication with this module has been disrupted.
Restore the configuration using the appropriate encryption data or reset the module to factory defaults.

Note that you can change individual parameters of the configuration for the modules that are marked by an - icon. Click on the icon or the module name to see the parameters that are available for this module:

Cable Termination This parameter allow configuring the MxBus cable termination. Termination needs to be activated in the last module of the chain.
Output Mode Sets the operating mode of the outputs of the DoorMaster (security door opener). You can set the following options:
Self-Powered The door opener is powered by the DoorMaster. Output 2 provides 12 V/1 A for this purpose. The theft protection can be attached to output 1.
Relay Use this mode to power door openers with up to 24 V/1 A. Note that you need an additional power adapter for this mode. The theft protection can be attached to output 1.
Mediator Use this mode to power the self-locking Mediator door lock. Since the lock uses both outputs, you need to implement the theft protection using a separate hook-up.

Note: This parameter is only available for the DoorMaster.

Backup Power This section allows checking the status of the backup power supply by the DoorMaster (security door opener). Note that the backup power supply allows opening the door even in case of a power failure.

Note: This parameter is only available for the DoorMaster.

RFID Encryption This parameter allows setting the RFID encryption type for the Keypad and BellRFID modules. By factory default, this has been set to 3K3DES, which combines good reading range of RFID transponders with high security. If required, you can choose AES encryption; this may, however, result in reduced RFID range when reading the transponders.

Note: This parameter is only available for Keypad and BellRFID.

Background Illumination This parameter allows setting the background illumination for the Keypad and BellRFID modules. You can choose a specific level of illumination or an automatic setting, which adjusts to the ambient illumination.

Note: This parameter is only available for Keypad and BellRFID.

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