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Action Group (Detail View)

The Action Group Overview dialog and the corresponding detail views (Action Group n) provide the means to control the actions of the camera if it detects one or more events.

Note: Even if the Action Profile parameter has been activated, the camera will only execute the selected actions if the Arming parameter in the General Event Settings dialog has been activated.

General Settings

Once the event control has been enabled, the camera can use the events activated in this dialog. If Event Selection has been set to All (default), the camera will process all activated events in this list. To select only specific events from the list, use [Ctrl]-Click to highlight the desired events.

If you would like to use deactivated events (gray and in brackets), you can select them, but you need to activate and configure them in the Event Settings dialog.

Option Description
Arming This parameter controls the activation status of the action group.
  • Activated: The action group is always armed.
  • Off: The action group has been disabled, the settings are hidden from view, but remain stored.
  • SI Closed (low/NO): The action group is only armed (active) if the signal input is closed (e.g. by a key switch).

    Note: This option is only available, if the camera itself has a signal input or if hardware with signal input functionality has been connected to the camera in the Manage Hardware Expansions dialog.

  • SI Open (high/NC): The action group is only armed (active) if the signal input is open (e.g. by a key switch).

    Note: This option is only available, if the camera itself has a signal input or if hardware with signal input functionality has been connected to the camera in the Manage Hardware Expansions dialog.

  • CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CSL: The action group is only armed when the corresponding custom signal is true.
Time Table Profile In order to activate the action group defined in this dialog in a time-controlled manner, you need to select a Time Table Profile. Please note that the Arming switch of the action group must not be set to Off.
Event Selection You can restrict the number of events upon which the camera should start a new action by highlighting only the desired events in the list. If this is the case, the actions described hereafter are performed for the highlighted events only.

Note: This selection does not affect image recording in the camera's internal image storage or on a file server.

Action Dead Time Once the action group has been started, it will not be started again during the time set in this parameter.
Action Chaining This parameter allows specifying how several actions should be executed (simultaneously or consecutively). In addition, the camera can react in different ways to the success or failure of an individual action.
  • Simultaneously: All actions are started simultaneously and are executed until a success or failure is detected or until a timeout error occurs.
  • Simultaneously until first success: All actions are started simultaneously and are executed until a success or failure is detected. As soon as one action has finished successfully, the remaining actions will be skipped.

    Note: In the case of a phone call, a success means that the recipient has accepted the call and, if required, has entered proper identification.

  • Consecutively: The actions will be started one after another in the specified order (top to bottom). If one action ends with a success or a failure, the camera will execute the next one in the chain.
  • Consecutively until first success: The actions will be started one after another in the specified order (top to bottom). If one action ends with a failure, the camera will execute the next one in the chain. Upon a success, the chain ends.

    Note: In the case of a phone call, a success means that the recipient has accepted the call and, if required, has entered proper identification.

  • Consecutively until first failure: The actions will be started one after another in the specified order (top to bottom). If one action ends with a success, the camera will execute the next one in the chain. As soon as one action has failed, the remaining actions will be skipped.

    Note: Some actions may not run simultaneously (e.g. playback of sounds). In these cases, the exact order of execution is undefined. If you have added many simultaneous action of such a type, the remaining actions will be skipped after the timeout limit has been reached.


If one or more events that have been selected in the Event Selection and this action group has been armed, the camera will execute the specified actions.

Phone Call Calls a VoIP address or phone.
Open the Outgoing Calls Settings dialog to define the VoIP addresses or phone numbers.
FTP Transfers an image to an FTP server.
Open the FTP Profiles dialog to configure the FTP file transfers.
E-Mail Sends a notification by e-mail.
Open the E-Mail Profiles dialog to configure the e-mail notifications.
Network Message Send a network message to a TCP-Port of a computer.

Open the IP Notify Profiles dialog to configure the network messages.
Play Sound Plays back a sound file.
Open the Sound Profiles dialog to configure the sound playback profiles.
Short Message Sends an SMS via the UMTS modem.
Open the SMS Profiles dialog to configure the SMS notifications.
Signal Output Closes or opens the signal output for a specified duration.
Open the Signal Out Profiles dialog to define the profiles for signal output actions.

Creating Actions

Click on the Add new action button at the bottom of the dialog to add actions to this action group.

Deleting Actions

Activate the Delete option of the action(s) you would like to delete and click on Set at the bottom of the dialog.

Warning: When clicking on the Set button, the camera will immediately delete all actions with an activated Delete checkbox from the camera's active configuration. In order to store the configuration permanently, click on the Close button at the bottom of the dialog (see Storing the Configuration).

Click on the Restore button at the bottom of the dialog load the options of this action group that are stored in the camera's permanent memory.

Memorizzazione della configurazione

Click on the Set button to activate your settings and to save them until the next reboot of the camera.

Click on the Factory button to load the factory defaults for this dialog (this button may not be present in all dialogs).

Click on the Restore button to undo your most recent changes that have not been stored in the camera permanently.

Click on the Close button to close the dialog. While closing the dialog, the system checks the entire configuration for changes. If changes are detected, you will be asked if you would like to store the entire configuration permanently.

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